Reconsultation on the 2022/23 national tariff to align with the elective recovery strategy.

The consultation on the 2022/23 national tariff closed on 28 January 2022. The objection thresholds were not met,

Following careful analysis of this feedback, and the recent publication of the elective recovery plan, NHS improvement have decided to make some changes to the proposals to ensure that the payment system is fully aligned to the elective recovery strategy. These changes primarily relate to the design of the variable element of the aligned payment and incentive blended payment.

They will therefore be reconsulting on the proposals for the 2022/23 tariff. A revised consultation notice will be published in the coming days and there will then be a 28-day consultation period.
It remains theirr intention for the 2022/23 tariff to come into effect on 1 April 2022.